Menampilkan Gambar PNG di Visual Basic 6.0

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hallo sahabat SB semua!!! Semoga selalu dalam keadaan baik.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas bagaimana menampilkan gambar dengan format PNG di dalam form Visual Basic karena perlu kita ketahui bahwa tidak semua gambar bisa di tampilkan di dalam Visual Basic salah satunya adalah gambar dengan ekstensi PNG.

Beberapa format gambar yang didukung oleh VB 6.0 adalah gambar dengan format / ekstensi BMP, JPG, JPEG, dan GIF. Sehingga gambar yang memiliki format lain dan ingin ditampilkan di dalam Visual Basic dibutuhkan penanganan khusus.

Untuk menampilkan gambar dengan format / ekstensi PNG dapat dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:

Pertama, Buatlah project baru dengan satu form. Selanjutnya tambahkan komponen Common Dialog melalui menu Project -> Components atau CTRL+T kemudian berikan tanda centang dan pilih OK.

Selanjutnya, tambahkan komponen BUTTON (commandbutton) dan komponen DIALOG (commondialog) ke dalam form.

Selanjutnya, tambahkan kode berikut ke dalam source code form:

Option Explicit
Dim pngClass As New LoadPNG
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim filename As String
filename = CommonDialog1.filename
If filename <> "" Then
Me.Picture = LoadPicture("")
pngClass.PicBox = Form1 'or Picturebox
pngClass.SetToBkgrnd True, 100, 50 'set to Background (True or false), x and y
pngClass.BackgroundPicture = Form1 'same Backgroundpicture
pngClass.SetAlpha = True 'when Alpha then alpha
pngClass.SetTrans = True 'when transparent Color then transparent Color
pngClass.OpenPNG filename 'Open and display Picture
End If
End Sub

Selanjutnya buatlah sebuah module kemudian ketikan kode berikut:

Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
' Constants
Private Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020
Private Const BI_RGB = 0&
Private Const CBM_INIT = &H4
Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0
' Types
Public Type RGBTriple
    Red As Byte
    Green As Byte
    Blue As Byte
End Type
biSize As Long
biWidth As Long
biHeight As Long
biPlanes As Integer
biBitCount As Integer
biCompression As Long
biSizeImage As Long
biXPelsPerMeter As Long
biYPelsPerMeter As Long
biClrUsed As Long
biClrImportant As Long
End Type
Private Type RGBQUAD
rgbBlue As Byte
rgbGreen As Byte
rgbRed As Byte
rgbReserved As Byte
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_1
bmiColors(1) As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_2
bmiColors(3) As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_4
bmiColors(15) As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_8
bmiColors(255) As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_16
    bmiColors As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_24
    bmiColors As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFO_24a
    bmiColors As RGBTriple
End Type
' Functions
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal XSrc As Long, ByVal YSrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_1 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_1, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_2 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_2, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_4 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_4, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_8 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_8, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_16 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_16, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_24 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_24, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_24a Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_24a, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long

Private bm1 As BITMAPINFO_1
Private bm2 As BITMAPINFO_2
Private bm4 As BITMAPINFO_4
Private bm8 As BITMAPINFO_8
Private bm16 As BITMAPINFO_16
Private bm24 As BITMAPINFO_24
Private bm24a As BITMAPINFO_24a
'bitmap handle.
Private hBmp As Long
Private Type ScTw
Width As Long
Height As Long
End Type
Public Sub InitColorTable_1(Optional Sorting As Integer = 1)
Dim Fb1 As Byte
Dim Fb2 As Byte
Select Case Sorting
Case 0
Fb1 = 255
Fb2 = 0
Case 1
Fb1 = 0
Fb2 = 255
End Select
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbRed = Fb1
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbGreen = Fb1
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue = Fb1
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbReserved = 0
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbRed = Fb2
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbGreen = Fb2
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbBlue = Fb2
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbReserved = 0
End Sub
Public Sub InitColorTable_1Palette(Palettenbyte() As Byte)
If UBound(Palettenbyte) = 5 Then
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbRed = Palettenbyte(0)
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbGreen = Palettenbyte(1)
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue = Palettenbyte(2)
bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbReserved = 0
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbRed = Palettenbyte(3)
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbGreen = Palettenbyte(4)
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbBlue = Palettenbyte(5)
bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbReserved = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Sub InitColorTable_8(ByteArray() As Byte)
'Construct the palette
    Dim Palette8() As RGBTriple
        ReDim Palette8(255)
        CopyMemory Palette8(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) + 1
    Dim nCount As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    'Create Palette
    For nCount = 0 To 255
    bm8.bmiColors(nCount).rgbBlue = Palette8(nCount).Blue
    bm8.bmiColors(nCount).rgbGreen = Palette8(nCount).Green
    bm8.bmiColors(nCount).rgbRed = Palette8(nCount).Red
    bm8.bmiColors(nCount).rgbReserved = 0
    Next nCount
End Sub
Public Sub InitColorTable_4(ByteArray() As Byte)
    Dim Palette4() As RGBTriple
        ReDim Palette4(15)
        CopyMemory Palette4(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) + 1
Dim i As Integer
' Create a color table
For i = 0 To 15
bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbRed = Palette4(i).Red
bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbGreen = Palette4(i).Green
bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbBlue = Palette4(i).Blue
bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbReserved = 0
Next i
End Sub

Public Sub CreateBitmap_1(ByteArray() As Byte, BMPWidth As Long, BMPHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0)
' Create a 1bit Bitmap
Dim hdc As Long
With bm1.bmiHeader
.biSize = Len(bm1.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = BMPWidth
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = BMPHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -BMPHeight
        End If
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 1
.biCompression = BI_RGB
.biSizeImage = 0
.biXPelsPerMeter = 0
.biYPelsPerMeter = 0
.biClrUsed = Colorused
.biClrImportant = 0
End With
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_1(hdc, bm1.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, ByteArray(0), bm1, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Sub
Public Sub CreateBitmap_2(ByteArray() As Byte, BMPWidth As Long, BMPHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0)
' Create a 2bit Bitmap
Dim hdc As Long
With bm1.bmiHeader
.biSize = Len(bm1.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = BMPWidth
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = BMPHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -BMPHeight
        End If
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 2
.biCompression = BI_RGB
.biSizeImage = 0
.biXPelsPerMeter = 0
.biYPelsPerMeter = 0
.biClrUsed = Colorused
.biClrImportant = 0
End With
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_2(hdc, bm2.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, ByteArray(0), bm2, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Sub
Public Sub CreateBitmap_4(ByteArray() As Byte, PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0)
' Creates a device independent bitmap
' from the pixel data in Data().
Dim hdc As Long
With bm4.bmiHeader
.biSize = Len(bm1.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = PicWidth
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = PicHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -PicHeight
        End If
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 4
.biCompression = BI_RGB
.biSizeImage = 0
.biXPelsPerMeter = 0
.biYPelsPerMeter = 0
.biClrUsed = Colorused
.biClrImportant = 0
End With
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_4(hdc, bm4.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, ByteArray(0), bm4, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Sub
Public Sub CreateBitmap_8(BitmapArray() As Byte, PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0)
' Creates a device independent bitmap
' from the pixel data in BitmapArry().
Dim hdc As Long
With bm8.bmiHeader
.biSize = Len(bm8.bmiHeader)
.biWidth = PicWidth
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = PicHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -PicHeight
        End If
.biPlanes = 1
.biBitCount = 8
.biCompression = BI_RGB
.biSizeImage = 0
.biXPelsPerMeter = 0
.biYPelsPerMeter = 0
.biClrUsed = Colorused
.biClrImportant = 0
End With
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_8(hdc, bm8.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, BitmapArray(0), bm8, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Sub
Public Sub DrawBitmap(PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long, PicObject As Object, Scalierung As Boolean, Optional x As Long = 0, Optional y As Long = 0, Optional DrawToBG As Boolean = False)
Dim cDC As Long
Dim a As Long
Dim b As Long
Dim Übergabe As ScTw
Dim realheight As Long
Dim realwidth As Long
If TypeOf PicObject Is Form Then
'change ScaleMode direct
b = PicObject.Parent.ScaleMode
PicObject.Parent.ScaleMode = 1
End If
a = PicObject.ScaleMode
PicObject.ScaleMode = 1
Select Case Scalierung
Case True
Übergabe = PixelToTwips(PicWidth, PicHeight)
If DrawToBG = False Then
PicObject.Height = Übergabe.Height
PicObject.Width = Übergabe.Width
End If
Case False
End Select
If DrawToBG = False Then
If PicObject.Height <> PicObject.ScaleHeight Then 'with Boarders
Übergabe = Twipstopixel(PicObject.Width, PicObject.Height)
realheight = Übergabe.Height
realwidth = Übergabe.Width
PicObject.Height = PicObject.Height + (PicObject.Height - PicObject.ScaleHeight)
PicObject.Width = PicObject.Width + (PicObject.Width - PicObject.ScaleWidth)
PicObject.ScaleMode = 3
realheight = PicObject.ScaleHeight
realwidth = PicObject.ScaleWidth
End If
realheight = Übergabe.Height
realwidth = Übergabe.Width
PicHeight = realheight
PicWidth = realwidth
End If
If hBmp Then
cDC = CreateCompatibleDC(PicObject.hdc)
SelectObject cDC, hBmp
Call StretchBlt(PicObject.hdc, x, y, realwidth, realheight, cDC, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, SRCCOPY)
DeleteDC cDC
DeleteObject hBmp
hBmp = 0
End If
If TypeOf PicObject Is Form Then
'change ScaleMode direct
PicObject.Parent.ScaleMode = b
End If
PicObject.ScaleMode = a
PicObject.Picture = PicObject.Image
End Sub
Public Sub CreateBitmap_24(ByteArray() As Byte, PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer, Optional ThreeToOrToFour As Integer = 0)
' Creates a device independent bitmap
' from the pixel data in BitmapArray().
Dim hdc As Long
Dim Bits() As RGBQUAD
Dim BitsA() As RGBTriple
Select Case ThreeToOrToFour
Case 0
ReDim Bits((UBound(ByteArray) / 4) - 1)
CopyMemory Bits(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray)
    With bm24.bmiHeader
        .biSize = Len(bm24.bmiHeader)        'SizeOf Struct
        .biWidth = PicWidth        'Bitmap Width
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = PicHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -PicHeight
        End If
        .biBitCount = 32                        '32 bit alignment
        .biPlanes = 1                           'Single plane
        .biCompression = BI_RGB                 'No Compression
        .biSizeImage = 0                        'Default
        .biXPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biYPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biClrUsed = 0                          'Default
        .biClrImportant = 0                     'Default
    End With
Case 1
ReDim BitsA((UBound(ByteArray) / 3) - 1)
CopyMemory BitsA(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray)
    With bm24a.bmiHeader
        .biSize = Len(bm24.bmiHeader)        'SizeOf Struct
        .biWidth = PicWidth        'Bitmap Width
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = PicHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -PicHeight
        End If
        .biBitCount = 24                        '24 bit alignment
        .biPlanes = 1                           'Single plane
        .biCompression = BI_RGB                 'No Compression
        .biSizeImage = 0                        'Default
        .biXPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biYPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biClrUsed = 0                          'Default
        .biClrImportant = 0                     'Default
    End With
End Select
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
Select Case ThreeToOrToFour
Case 0
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_24(hdc, bm24.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, Bits(0), bm24, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
Case 1
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_24a(hdc, bm24a.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, BitsA(0), bm24a, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub CreateBitmap_16(ByteArray() As Byte, PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long, Orientation As Integer)
' Creates a device independent bitmap
' from the pixel data in BitmapArray().
Dim hdc As Long
    With bm16.bmiHeader
        .biSize = Len(bm16.bmiHeader)        'SizeOf Struct
        .biWidth = PicWidth                       'Bitmap Width
        If Orientation = 0 Then
        .biHeight = PicHeight                    'Bitmap Height, bitmap is top down.
        .biHeight = -PicHeight
        End If
        .biPlanes = 1                           'Single plane
        .biBitCount = 16                        '32 bit alignment
        .biCompression = BI_RGB                 'No Compression
        .biSizeImage = 0                        'Default
        .biXPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biYPelsPerMeter = 0                    'Default
        .biClrUsed = 0                          'Default
        .biClrImportant = 0                     'Default
    End With
' Get the DC.
hdc = GetDC(0)
hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_16(hdc, bm16.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, ByteArray(0), bm16, DIB_RGB_COLORS)
End Sub
Private Function PixelToTwips(xwert As Long, ywert As Long) As ScTw
Dim ux As Long
Dim uy As Long
Dim XWert1 As Long
Dim yWert1 As Long
ux = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
PixelToTwips.Width = xwert * ux
uy = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
PixelToTwips.Height = ywert * uy
End Function

Public Function Twipstopixel(xwert As Long, ywert As Long) As ScTw
Dim ux As Long
Dim uy As Long
Dim XWert1 As Long
Dim yWert1 As Long
ux = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Twipstopixel.Width = xwert / ux
uy = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Twipstopixel.Height = ywert / uy
End Function
Public Function InitColorTable_Grey(BitDepth As Integer, Optional To8Bit As Boolean = False) As Byte()
    Dim CurLevel As Integer
    Dim Übergabe() As Byte
    Dim n As Long
    Dim LevelDiff As Byte
    Dim Tbl() As RGBQUAD
    Dim Table3() As RGBTriple
    Erase bm8.bmiColors
    If BitDepth <> 16 Then
        ReDim Tbl(2 ^ BitDepth - 1)
        ReDim Table3(2 ^ BitDepth - 1)
        ReDim Tbl(255)
        ReDim Table3(255)
    End If
    LevelDiff = 255 / UBound(Tbl)
    For n = 0 To UBound(Tbl)
        With Tbl(n)
            .rgbRed = CurLevel
            .rgbGreen = CurLevel
            .rgbBlue = CurLevel
        End With
        With Table3(n)
            .Red = CurLevel
            .Green = CurLevel
            .Blue = CurLevel
        End With
        CurLevel = CurLevel + LevelDiff
    Next n
  Select Case BitDepth
  Case 1
  If To8Bit = True Then
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 8
  End If
  Case 2
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 16
  Case 4
    If To8Bit = True Then
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 64
     CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm4.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 64
  End If
  Case 8
 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 1024
  End Select
  ReDim Übergabe(((UBound(Table3) + 1) * 3) - 1)
  CopyMemory Übergabe(0), ByVal VarPtr(Table3(0).Red), ((UBound(Table3) + 1) * 3)
InitColorTable_Grey = Übergabe
End Function

Selanjutnya, tambahkan Class Module dan ketikan kode berikut:

Download di sini!
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function SetDIBitsToDevice Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, ByVal Scan As Long, ByVal NumScans As Long, Bits As Any, BitsInfo As Any, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal XSrc As Long, ByVal YSrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As Any, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
 Size As Long
 Width As Long
 Height As Long
 Planes As Integer
 BitCount As Integer
 Compression As Long
 SizeImage As Long
 XPelsPerMeter As Long
 YPelsPerMeter As Long
 ClrUsed As Long
 ClrImportant As Long
End Type
Private RBD As Long
Private IDATData() As Byte
Dim IdataLen As Long
Private Type IHDR
 Width As Long
 Height As Long
 BitDepth As Byte
 ColorType As Byte
 Compression As Byte
 Filter As Byte
 Interlacing As Byte
End Type
'For Decompression:
Private Type CodesType
 Lenght() As Long
 code() As Long
End Type
Private m_Backcolor As Long
Private Palettenbyte() As Byte
Private OutStream() As Byte
Private OutPos As Long
Private InStream() As Byte
Private Inpos As Long
Private ByteBuff As Long
Private BitNum As Long
Private BitMask(16) As Long
Private Pow2(16) As Long
Private LC As CodesType
Private dc As CodesType
Private LitLen As CodesType
Private Dist As CodesType
Private TempLit As CodesType
Private TempDist As CodesType
Private LenOrder(18) As Long
Private MinLLenght As Long
Private MaxLLenght As Long
Private MinDLenght As Long
Private MaxDLenght As Long
Private IsStaticBuild As Boolean
Private BPPprivat As Long
Private m_width As Long
Private m_height As Long
Private m_bitdepht As Long
Private m_colortype As Long
Private m_compression As Long
Private m_filter As Long
Private m_interlacing As Long
Private m_ErrorNumber As Long
Private m_sAlpha As Boolean
Private m_hAlpha As Boolean
Private trns() As Byte
Private m_hTrans As Boolean
Private m_sTrans As Boolean
Private Colorused As Long
Private bkgd() As Byte
Private m_hbkgd As Boolean
Private m_bkgdColor As Long
Private m_text As String
Private m_Time As String
Private m_ztext As String
Private m_gama As Long
Private m_Bgx As Long
Private m_Bgy As Long
Private m_BGPic As Object
Private m_OwnBkgnd As Boolean
Private m_OBCol As Long
Private m_PicBox As Object
Private m_settoBG As Boolean
Public Function OpenPNG(filename As String) As Long
Dim Stand As Long
Dim Ende As Boolean
Dim Filenumber As Long
Dim Signature(7) As Byte
Dim Test As Long
Dim Länge As Long
Dim ChunkName As String * 4
Dim ChunkInhalt() As Byte
Dim CRC32Inhalt As Long
Dim Teststring As String
'Dim crc32test As New clsCRC
Dim TestCRC32 As Long
Dim Testint As Integer
m_hbkgd = False
m_hTrans = False
BPPprivat = 0
ReDim IDATData(0)
IdataLen = 0
Filenumber = FreeFile
Open filename For Binary As Filenumber
Get Filenumber, , Signature
Test = IsValidSignature(Signature)
If Test <> -1 Then
 m_ErrorNumber = 1
 Exit Function
End If
Do While Ende = False
Get Filenumber, , Länge
SwapBytesLong Länge
Get Filenumber, , ChunkName
If Länge > 0 Then ReDim ChunkInhalt(Länge - 1)
Stand = Seek(Filenumber)
If Stand + Länge > LOF(Filenumber) Then
 m_ErrorNumber = 3
 Exit Function
End If
Get Filenumber, , ChunkInhalt
Get Filenumber, , CRC32Inhalt
'SwapBytesLong CRC32Inhalt
'teststring = ChunkName & StrConv(ChunkInhalt, vbUnicode)
'Testcrc32 = CRC32(teststring) 'reiner VB-Code
'crc32test.Algorithm = 1
'TestCRC32 = crc32test.CalculateString(teststring) 'VB und Assembler
'If CRC32Inhalt <> 0 Then
'If CRC32Inhalt <> TestCRC32 Then
'MsgBox "Bad crc32"
'm_ErrorNumber = 2
'Exit Function
'End If
'End If
Select Case ChunkName
Case "IHDR"
ReadIHDR ChunkInhalt
Case "PLTE"
ReDim Palettenbyte(UBound(ChunkInhalt))
CopyMemory Palettenbyte(0), ChunkInhalt(0), UBound(ChunkInhalt) + 1
Case "IDAT"
ReDim Preserve IDATData(IdataLen + UBound(ChunkInhalt))
CopyMemory IDATData(IdataLen), ChunkInhalt(0), UBound(ChunkInhalt) + 1
IdataLen = UBound(IDATData) + 1
Case "IEND"
Ende = True
Case "bKGD"
bkgd = ChunkInhalt
m_hbkgd = True
Case "cHRM"
Case "oFFs"
Case "pCaL"
Case "sCAL"
Case "gAMA"
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_gama), ChunkInhalt(0), 4
SwapBytesLong m_gama
Case "hIST"
Case "pHYs"
Case "sBIT"
Case "tEXt"
m_text = m_text & StrConv(ChunkInhalt, vbUnicode) & Chr(0)
Case "zTXt"
DecompressText ChunkInhalt
Case "gIFg"
Case "gIFx"
Case "tIME"
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Testint), ChunkInhalt(0), 2
Swap Testint
m_Time = Format(ChunkInhalt(3), "00") & "." & Format(ChunkInhalt(2), "00") & "." & Testint & " " & Format(ChunkInhalt(4), "00") & ":" & Format(ChunkInhalt(5), "00") & ":" & Format(ChunkInhalt(6), "00")
Case "tRNS"
m_hTrans = True
trns = ChunkInhalt
Case "cTXt"
Case Else
'If Asc(Left(ChunkName, 1)) > 65 Then Exit Function 'kritischer Chunk
End Select
If IdataLen = 0 Then
m_ErrorNumber = 4
Exit Function
End If
Close Filenumber
End Function
Private Function IsValidSignature(Signature() As Byte) As Boolean
If Signature(0) <> 137 Then Exit Function
If Signature(1) <> 80 Then Exit Function
If Signature(2) <> 78 Then Exit Function
If Signature(3) <> 71 Then Exit Function
If Signature(4) <> 13 Then Exit Function
If Signature(5) <> 10 Then Exit Function
If Signature(6) <> 26 Then Exit Function
If Signature(7) <> 10 Then Exit Function
 IsValidSignature = True
End Function
Private Sub SwapBytesLong(ByteValue As Long)
Dim Übergabe As Long
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 3
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Übergabe) + i, ByVal VarPtr(ByteValue) + (3 - i), 1
Next i
ByteValue = Übergabe
End Sub
Private Sub ReadIHDR(Bytefeld() As Byte)
Dim Header As IHDR
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Header), Bytefeld(0), 13
SwapBytesLong Header.Width
SwapBytesLong Header.Height
m_width = Header.Width
m_height = Header.Height
m_bitdepht = Header.BitDepth
m_colortype = Header.ColorType
m_compression = Header.Compression
m_filter = Header.Filter
m_interlacing = Header.Interlacing
End Sub
Public Property Get Width() As Long
Width = m_width
End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Long
Height = m_height
End Property
Public Property Get Bitdepht() As Long
Bitdepht = m_bitdepht
End Property
Public Property Get ColorType() As Long
ColorType = m_colortype
End Property
Public Property Get Compression() As Long
Compression = m_compression
End Property
Public Property Get Filter() As Long
Filter = m_filter
End Property
Public Property Get Interlacing() As Long
Interlacing = m_interlacing
End Property
Private Sub MakePicture()
Dim DataSize As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim BitCount As Integer
Dim Bitdepht As Long
Dim Drehen As Integer
m_hAlpha = False
Drehen = 1
Select Case Me.Interlacing
Case 0
 DataSize = DataPerRow * Me.Height
Case 1
 DataSize = (DataPerRow * Me.Height) + Me.Height
End Select
 ReDim Buffer(UBound(IDATData) - 2)
 CopyMemory Buffer(0), IDATData(2), UBound(IDATData) - 1
Select Case Me.Compression
Case 0
 Decompress Buffer, DataSize
End Select
Select Case Me.Interlacing
Case 0
 Buffer = DeFilter(Buffer)
 Drehen = 1
Case 1
 Buffer = DeFilterInterlaced(Buffer)
 Drehen = 0
End Select
 BitCount = Me.Bitdepht
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 0 'Grayscale
Select Case Me.Bitdepht
Case 16
 Conv16To8 Buffer
 InitColorTable_Grey 8
 BitCount = 8
 BPPprivat = 8
Case 8, 4, 1
Select Case Interlacing
Case 0
 BitCount = Me.Bitdepht
 InitColorTable_Grey Me.Bitdepht, False
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
Case Else
 BitCount = 8
 InitColorTable_Grey Me.Bitdepht, True
End Select
Case 2
 InitColorTable_Grey 2
If Me.Interlacing = 0 Then
 Pal2To8 Me.Width, Me.Height, Buffer, DataPerRow
End If
 BitCount = 8
 BPPprivat = 8
End Select
If m_hTrans And m_sTrans Then
If Me.Bitdepht <> 2 Then
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
End If
 PalToRGBA Me.Width, Me.Height, BitCount, Buffer
 BitCount = 32
 BPPprivat = 32
 MakeAlpha m_BGPic, Buffer, m_Bgx, m_Bgy
 BitCount = 24
 BPPprivat = 24
End If
Case 2 'RGB
If Me.Bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer
 BitCount = 24
 BPPprivat = 24
 ReverseRGB Buffer
 Drehen = 1
 BPPprivat = 8
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
 BPPprivat = 24
If m_hTrans And m_sTrans Then
 MakeRGBTransparent Buffer
 MirrorData Buffer, Me.Width * 4
 Drehen = 0
 BitCount = 32
 BPPprivat = 32
 MakeAlpha m_BGPic, Buffer, m_Bgx, m_Bgy
 BitCount = 24
 BPPprivat = 24
End If
Case 3 'Palette
Select Case Me.Bitdepht
Case 8, 4, 1
If Me.Interlacing = 1 Then
 BitCount = 8
 BPPprivat = 8
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
 BitCount = Me.Bitdepht
If BitCount >= 8 Then
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
End If
End If
Case 2
If Me.Interlacing = 0 Then
 Pal2To8 Me.Width, Me.Height, Buffer, DataPerRow
 BitCount = 8
 BPPprivat = 8
 BitCount = 8
 BPPprivat = 8
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
End If
End Select
If m_hTrans And m_sTrans Then
If Me.Bitdepht <> 2 Then
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
End If
 PalToRGBA Me.Width, Me.Height, BitCount, Buffer
 BitCount = 32
 BPPprivat = 32
 MakeAlpha m_BGPic, Buffer, m_Bgx, m_Bgy
 BitCount = 24
 BPPprivat = 24
End If
Case 4 'Grayscale + Alpha
 m_hAlpha = True
If Me.Bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer
 GrayAToRGBA Buffer
 BPPprivat = 32
 BitCount = 32
 MirrorData Buffer, LineBytes(Me.Width, BitCount)
 Drehen = 0
If m_sAlpha = True Then
 MakeAlpha m_BGPic, Buffer, m_Bgx, m_Bgy
 BPPprivat = 24
 BitCount = 24
End If
Case 6 'RGB + Alpha
 m_hAlpha = True
If Me.Bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer
 BitCount = 32
 BPPprivat = 32
 ReverseRGBA Buffer
 MirrorData Buffer, LineBytes(Me.Width, BitCount)
 Drehen = 0
If m_sAlpha = True Then
 MakeAlpha m_BGPic, Buffer, m_Bgx, m_Bgy
 BPPprivat = 24
 BitCount = 24
End If
End Select
If Not (((Me.ColorType = 3) And (BitCount = 32)) Or _
 (Me.Bitdepht = 2)) Then
Select Case Me.Bitdepht
Case 16
 Bitdepht = 8
 Bitdepht = 16
End Select
End If
Select Case BitCount
Case 1, 2, 4
 Align32 BitCount, Buffer
End Select
Select Case BitCount
Case 1
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 3
 InitColorTable_1Palette Palettenbyte
Case Else
End Select
 CreateBitmap_1 Buffer, Me.Width, Me.Height, True, Colorused
 DrawBitmap Me.Width, Me.Height, m_PicBox, True, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_settoBG
Case 4
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 0
Case Else
 InitColorTable_4 Palettenbyte
End Select
 CreateBitmap_4 Buffer, Me.Width, Me.Height, True, Colorused
 DrawBitmap Me.Width, Me.Height, m_PicBox, True, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_settoBG
Case 8
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 0, 4
Case Else
 InitColorTable_8 Palettenbyte
End Select
 Drehen = 1
 CreateBitmap_8 Buffer, Me.Width, Me.Height, Drehen, Colorused
 DrawBitmap Me.Width, Me.Height, m_PicBox, True, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_settoBG
Case 24
 CreateBitmap_24 Buffer, Me.Width, Me.Height, Drehen, 1
 DrawBitmap Me.Width, Me.Height, m_PicBox, True, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_settoBG
Case 32
 CreateBitmap_24 Buffer, Me.Width, Me.Height, Drehen
 DrawBitmap Me.Width, Me.Height, m_PicBox, True, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_settoBG
End Select
End Sub
Private Function Decompress(ByteArray() As Byte, UncompressedSize As Long, Optional ZIP64 As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim IsLastBlock As Boolean
Dim CompType As Long
Dim Char As Long
Dim Nubits As Long
Dim L1 As Long
Dim L2 As Long
Dim x As Long
UncompressedSize = UncompressedSize + 100
InStream = ByteArray
Call Init_Decompress(UncompressedSize)
 IsLastBlock = GetBits(1)
 CompType = GetBits(2)
If CompType = 0 Then
If Inpos + 4 > UBound(InStream) Then
 Decompress = -1
 Exit Do
End If
Do While BitNum >= 8
 Inpos = Inpos - 1
 BitNum = BitNum - 8
 CopyMemory L1, InStream(Inpos), 2&
 CopyMemory L2, InStream(Inpos + 2), 2&
 Inpos = Inpos + 4
If L1 - (Not (L2) And &HFFFF&) Then Decompress = -2
If Inpos + L1 - 1 > UBound(InStream) Then
 Decompress = -1
 Exit Do
End If
If OutPos + L1 - 1 > UBound(OutStream) Then
 Decompress = -1
 Exit Do
End If
 CopyMemory OutStream(OutPos), InStream(Inpos), L1
 OutPos = OutPos + L1
 Inpos = Inpos + L1
 ByteBuff = 0
 BitNum = 0
ElseIf CompType = 3 Then
 Decompress = -1
 Exit Do
If CompType = 1 Then
If Create_Static_Tree <> 0 Then
 MsgBox "Error in tree creation (Static)"
 Exit Function
End If
If Create_Dynamic_Tree <> 0 Then
 MsgBox "Error in tree creation (Static)"
 Exit Function
End If
End If
 NeedBits MaxLLenght
 Nubits = MinLLenght
Do While LitLen.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits
 Nubits = Nubits + 1
 Char = LitLen.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
 DropBits Nubits
If Char < 256 Then
 OutStream(OutPos) = Char
 OutPos = OutPos + 1
ElseIf Char > 256 Then
 Char = Char - 257
 L1 = LC.code(Char) + GetBits(LC.Lenght(Char))
If (L1 = 258) And ZIP64 Then L1 = GetBits(16) + 3
 NeedBits MaxDLenght
 Nubits = MinDLenght
Do While Dist.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits
 Nubits = Nubits + 1
 Char = Dist.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
 DropBits Nubits
 L2 = dc.code(Char) + GetBits(dc.Lenght(Char))
For x = 1 To L1
If OutPos > UncompressedSize Then
 OutPos = UncompressedSize
 GoTo Stop_Decompression
End If
 OutStream(OutPos) = OutStream(OutPos - L2)
 OutPos = OutPos + 1
Next x
End If
Loop While Char <> 256 'EOB
End If
Loop While Not IsLastBlock
If OutPos > 0 Then
 ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos - 1)
 Erase OutStream
End If
Erase InStream
Erase BitMask
Erase Pow2
Erase LC.code
Erase LC.Lenght
Erase dc.code
Erase dc.Lenght
Erase LitLen.code
Erase LitLen.Lenght
Erase Dist.code
Erase Dist.Lenght
Erase LenOrder
ByteArray = OutStream
End Function
Private Function Create_Static_Tree()
Dim x As Long
Dim Lenght(287) As Long
If IsStaticBuild = False Then
For x = 0 To 143: Lenght(x) = 8: Next
For x = 144 To 255: Lenght(x) = 9: Next
For x = 256 To 279: Lenght(x) = 7: Next
For x = 280 To 287: Lenght(x) = 8: Next
If Create_Codes(TempLit, Lenght, 287, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then
 Create_Static_Tree = -1
 Exit Function
End If
For x = 0 To 31: Lenght(x) = 5: Next
 Create_Static_Tree = Create_Codes(TempDist, Lenght, 31, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght)
 IsStaticBuild = True
 MinLLenght = 7
 MaxLLenght = 9
 MinDLenght = 5
 MaxDLenght = 5
End If
LitLen = TempLit
Dist = TempDist
End Function
Private Function Create_Dynamic_Tree() As Long
Dim Lenght() As Long
Dim Bl_Tree As CodesType
Dim MinBL As Long
Dim MaxBL As Long
Dim NumLen As Long
Dim Numdis As Long
Dim NumCod As Long
Dim Char As Long
Dim Nubits As Long
Dim LN As Long
Dim Pos As Long
Dim x As Long
NumLen = GetBits(5) + 257
Numdis = GetBits(5) + 1
NumCod = GetBits(4) + 4
ReDim Lenght(18)
For x = 0 To NumCod - 1
 Lenght(LenOrder(x)) = GetBits(3)
For x = NumCod To 18
 Lenght(LenOrder(x)) = 0
If Create_Codes(Bl_Tree, Lenght, 18, MaxBL, MinBL) <> 0 Then
 Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1
 Exit Function
End If
ReDim Lenght(NumLen + Numdis)
Pos = 0
Do While Pos < NumLen + Numdis
 NeedBits MaxBL
 Nubits = MinBL
Do While Bl_Tree.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits
 Nubits = Nubits + 1
 Char = Bl_Tree.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
 DropBits Nubits
If Char < 16 Then
 Lenght(Pos) = Char
 Pos = Pos + 1
If Char = 16 Then
If Pos = 0 Then
 Create_Dynamic_Tree = -5
 Exit Function
End If
 LN = Lenght(Pos - 1)
 Char = 3 + GetBits(2)
ElseIf Char = 17 Then
 Char = 3 + GetBits(3)
 LN = 0
 Char = 11 + GetBits(7)
 LN = 0
End If
If Pos + Char > NumLen + Numdis Then
 Create_Dynamic_Tree = -6
 Exit Function
End If
Do While Char > 0
 Char = Char - 1
 Lenght(Pos) = LN
 Pos = Pos + 1
End If
If Create_Codes(LitLen, Lenght, NumLen - 1, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then
 Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1
 Exit Function
End If
For x = 0 To Numdis
 Lenght(x) = Lenght(x + NumLen)
 Create_Dynamic_Tree = Create_Codes(Dist, Lenght, Numdis - 1, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght)
End Function
Private Function Create_Codes(tree As CodesType, Lenghts() As Long, NumCodes As Long, MaxBits As Long, Minbits As Long) As Long
Dim Bits(16) As Long
Dim next_code(16) As Long
Dim code As Long
Dim LN As Long
Dim x As Long
Minbits = 16
For x = 0 To NumCodes
 Bits(Lenghts(x)) = Bits(Lenghts(x)) + 1
If Lenghts(x) > MaxBits Then MaxBits = Lenghts(x)
If Lenghts(x) < Minbits And Lenghts(x) > 0 Then Minbits = Lenghts(x)
LN = 1
For x = 1 To MaxBits
 LN = LN + LN
 LN = LN - Bits(x)
If LN < 0 Then Create_Codes = LN: Exit Function
Create_Codes = LN
ReDim tree.code(2 ^ MaxBits - 1)
ReDim tree.Lenght(2 ^ MaxBits - 1)
code = 0
Bits(0) = 0
For x = 1 To MaxBits
 code = (code + Bits(x - 1)) * 2
next_code(x) = code
For x = 0 To NumCodes
 LN = Lenghts(x)
If LN <> 0 Then
 code = Bit_Reverse(next_code(LN), LN)
 tree.Lenght(code) = LN
 tree.code(code) = x
next_code(LN) = next_code(LN) + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function Bit_Reverse(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Numbits As Long)
Do While Numbits > 0
 Bit_Reverse = Bit_Reverse * 2 + (Value And 1)
 Numbits = Numbits - 1
 Value = Value \ 2
End Function
Private Sub Init_Decompress(UncompressedSize As Long)
Dim Temp()
Dim x As Long
ReDim OutStream(UncompressedSize)
Erase LitLen.code
Erase LitLen.Lenght
Erase Dist.code
Erase Dist.Lenght
ReDim LC.code(31)
ReDim LC.Lenght(31)
ReDim dc.code(31)
ReDim dc.Lenght(31)
Temp() = Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15)
For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LenOrder(x) = Temp(x): Next
 Temp() = Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258)
For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC.code(x) = Temp(x): Next
 Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0)
For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC.Lenght(x) = Temp(x): Next
 Temp() = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153)
For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): dc.code(x) = Temp(x): Next
 Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14)
For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): dc.Lenght(x) = Temp(x): Next
For x = 0 To 16
 BitMask(x) = 2 ^ x - 1
 Pow2(x) = 2 ^ x
OutPos = 0
Inpos = 0
ByteBuff = 0
BitNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub PutByte(Char As Byte)
If OutPos > UBound(OutStream) Then ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos + 1000)
OutStream(OutPos) = Char
OutPos = OutPos + 1
End Sub
Private Sub NeedBits(Numbits As Long)
While BitNum < Numbits
If Inpos > UBound(InStream) Then Exit Sub
 ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (InStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum))
 BitNum = BitNum + 8
 Inpos = Inpos + 1
End Sub
Private Sub DropBits(Numbits As Long)
ByteBuff = ByteBuff \ Pow2(Numbits)
BitNum = BitNum - Numbits
End Sub
Private Function GetBits(Numbits As Long) As Long
While BitNum < Numbits
 ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (InStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum))
 BitNum = BitNum + 8
 Inpos = Inpos + 1
GetBits = ByteBuff And BitMask(Numbits)
ByteBuff = ByteBuff \ Pow2(Numbits)
BitNum = BitNum - Numbits
End Function
Private Function DeFilter(Dat() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim NewDat() As Byte, y As Long, iVal As Long
Dim n As Long, StartByte As Long, DestByte As Long
Dim BPRow As Long, x As Long, RowBytes() As Byte
Dim PrevRowBytes() As Byte
Dim i As Long
iVal = Interval()
BPRow = DataPerRow()
ReDim NewDat(UBound(Dat) - Me.Height)
ReDim PrevRowBytes(DataPerRow() - 2)
ReDim RowBytes(DataPerRow() - 2)
For y = 0 To Me.Height - 1
 StartByte = BPRow * y
 DestByte = StartByte - y
 x = 0
 CopyMemory RowBytes(0), Dat(StartByte + 1), BPRow - 1
Select Case Dat(StartByte)
Case 0 'None
Case 1 'Sub
 ReverseSub RowBytes, iVal
Case 2 'Up
 ReverseUp RowBytes, PrevRowBytes
Case 3 'Average
 ReverseAverage RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal
Case 4 'Paeth
 ReversePaeth RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal
End Select
 CopyMemory NewDat(DestByte), RowBytes(0), BPRow - 1
 PrevRowBytes = RowBytes
Next y
DeFilter = NewDat
End Function
Private Function Interval() As Long
Interval = BitsPerPixel() \ 8
If Interval = 0 Then Interval = 1
End Function
Private Function BitsPerPixel() As Long
Dim Bpp As Long
If RBD = 0 Then
 Bpp = Me.Bitdepht
 Bpp = RBD
End If
If BPPprivat <> Bpp And BPPprivat <> 0 Then Bpp = BPPprivat
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 0, 3: BitsPerPixel = Bpp
Case 2: BitsPerPixel = 3 * Bpp
Case 6: BitsPerPixel = 4 * Bpp
Case 4: BitsPerPixel = 2 * Bpp
End Select
End Function
Private Function DataPerRow() As Long
DataPerRow = (Me.Width * BitsPerPixel() + 7) \ 8 + 1
End Function
Private Sub ReverseAverage(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte, Interval As Long)
Dim PrevOff As Long, PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long
Dim n As Long, x As Integer
BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1
For n = 0 To BPRow - 1
 PrevOff = n - Interval
If PrevOff >= 0 Then
 PrevVal = CurRow(PrevOff)
End If
 x = CurRow(n) + (CInt(PrevRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal)) \ 2
 CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub ReversePaeth(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte, Interval As Long)
Dim BPRow As Long, n As Long, x As Integer
Dim LeftPixOff As Long, LeftPix As Byte
Dim UpperLeftPix As Byte
BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1
For n = 0 To BPRow - 1
 LeftPixOff = n - Interval
If LeftPixOff >= 0 Then
 LeftPix = CurRow(LeftPixOff)
 UpperLeftPix = PrevRow(LeftPixOff)
End If
 x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PaethPredictor(LeftPix, PrevRow(n), UpperLeftPix))
 CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub ReverseUp(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte)
Dim PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long
Dim n As Long, x As Integer
 BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1
For n = 0 To BPRow - 1
 PrevVal = PrevRow(n)
 x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal)
 CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub ReverseSub(CurRow() As Byte, Interval As Long)
Dim PrevOff As Long, PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long
Dim n As Long, x As Integer
BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1
For n = 0 To BPRow - 1
 PrevOff = n - Interval
If PrevOff >= 0 Then
 PrevVal = CurRow(PrevOff)
End If
 x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal)
 CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1
Next n
End Sub
Private Function PaethPredictor(Left As Byte, Above As Byte, UpperLeft As Byte) As Byte
Dim pA As Integer, pB As Integer, pC As Integer, p As Integer
p = CInt(Left) + CInt(Above) - CInt(UpperLeft)
pA = Abs(p - Left)
pB = Abs(p - Above)
pC = Abs(p - UpperLeft)
If (pA <= pB) And (pA <= pC) Then
 PaethPredictor = Left
ElseIf pB <= pC Then
 PaethPredictor = Above
 PaethPredictor = UpperLeft
End If
End Function
Private Sub ReverseRGB(Dat() As Byte)
Dim n As Long, Tmp As Byte
On Error Resume Next
For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 3
 Tmp = Dat(n)
 Dat(n) = Dat(n + 2)
 Dat(n + 2) = Tmp
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub Conv16To8(Dat() As Byte)
Dim n As Long, DestDat() As Byte, DestOff As Long
ReDim DestDat((UBound(Dat) + 1) \ 2 - 1)
For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 2
 DestDat(DestOff) = Dat(n)
 DestOff = DestOff + 1
Next n
Dat = DestDat
End Sub
Private Sub Align32(BitCount As Integer, Dat() As Byte)
Dim RowBytes As Long, SrcRowBytes As Long
Dim y As Long, Dest() As Byte
Dim SrcOff As Long, DestOff As Long
If BitCount = 32 Then Exit Sub
 RowBytes = LineBytes(Me.Width, BitCount)
 SrcRowBytes = DataPerRow() - 1
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 4 'Alpha
 SrcRowBytes = SrcRowBytes / 2
End Select
If RowBytes = SrcRowBytes Then
 Exit Sub
 ReDim Dest(RowBytes * Me.Height - 1)
For y = 0 To Me.Height - 1
 SrcOff = y * SrcRowBytes
 DestOff = y * RowBytes
 CopyMemory Dest(DestOff), Dat(SrcOff), SrcRowBytes
Next y
 Dat = Dest
End If
End Sub
Private Function LineBytes(Width As Long, BitCount As Integer) As Long
LineBytes = ((Width * BitCount + 31) \ 32) * 4
End Function
Private Sub ReverseRGBA(Dat() As Byte)
Dim n As Long, Tmp As Byte
For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 4
 Tmp = Dat(n)
If n + 2 > UBound(Dat) Then Exit For
 Dat(n) = Dat(n + 2)
 Dat(n + 2) = Tmp
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub Pal2To8(Width As Long, Height As Long, Dat() As Byte, RowBytes As Long)
Dim DestDat() As Byte, DestRowBytes As Long, n As Long
Dim Px As Byte, DestOff As Long, x As Long, y As Long
DestRowBytes = LineBytes(Width, 8)
ReDim DestDat(DestRowBytes * Height - 1)
For y = 0 To Height - 1
 DestOff = y * DestRowBytes
For x = 0 To Width - 1
 n = y * (RowBytes - 1) + x \ 4
If (x Mod 4) <> 3 Then
 Px = (Dat(n) \ 4 ^ (3 - (x Mod 4))) And 3
 Px = Dat(n) And 3
End If
 DestDat(DestOff) = Px
 DestOff = DestOff + 1
Next x
Next y
Dat = DestDat
End Sub
Private Sub GrayAToRGBA(Dat() As Byte)
Dim n As Long, DestDat() As Byte, DestOff As Long
 ReDim DestDat((UBound(Dat) + 1) * 2 - 1)
For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 2
 DestDat(DestOff) = Dat(n)
 DestDat(DestOff + 1) = Dat(n)
 DestDat(DestOff + 2) = Dat(n)
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = Dat(n + 1)
 DestOff = DestOff + 4
Next n
Dat = DestDat
End Sub
Private Function DeFilterInterlaced(Buffer() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim Stand As String
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim ZL As Long
Dim Bpp As Long
Dim Bufferstand As Long
Dim Zeilenbuffer() As Byte
Dim Height8 As Long
Dim Rest8 As Long
Dim MengeZeilen As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim Filterbyte As Byte
Dim PrevRowBytes() As Byte
Dim ZwischenBuffer() As Byte
Dim Nr As Long
Dim ZZ As Long
Dim BytesPerPixel As Long
Dim ZLBytes As Long
y = Me.Height
x = Me.Width
Bpp = BitsPerPixel
If Bpp >= 8 Then
BytesPerPixel = Bpp / 8
BytesPerPixel = 1
End If
ReDim ZwischenBuffer((x * y * BytesPerPixel) - 1)
Rest8 = y Mod 8
Height8 = (y - Rest8) / 8
Stand = "1" 'Durchlauf 1
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
MengeZeilen = Height8
If Rest8 > 0 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 1, 1, i, ZLBytes
Next i
End If
Stand = "5" 'Durchlauf 2
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
MengeZeilen = Height8
If Rest8 > 0 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 2, 1, i, ZLBytes
Next i
End If
Stand = "15" 'Durchlauf 3
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
MengeZeilen = Height8
If Rest8 > 4 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 3, 5, i, ZLBytes
Next i
End If
Stand = "37" 'Durchlauf 4 - Zeile 1 - 2
ZZ = 1
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
MengeZeilen = Height8 * 2
If Rest8 > 0 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 4 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
Nr = 1
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 4, Nr, ZZ, ZLBytes
If Nr = 1 Then
Nr = 5
Nr = 1
ZZ = ZZ + 1
End If
Next i
End If
Stand = "1357" 'Durchlauf 5 - Zeile 1 - 2
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
MengeZeilen = Height8 * 2
If Rest8 > 2 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 6 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
ZZ = 1
Nr = 3
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 5, Nr, ZZ, ZLBytes
Select Case Nr
Case 3
Nr = 7
Case 7
Nr = 3
ZZ = ZZ + 1
End Select
Next i
End If
Stand = "2468" 'Durchlauf 6 - Zeile 1 - 4
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
ZZ = 1
Nr = 1
MengeZeilen = Height8 * 4
If Rest8 > 0 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 2 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 4 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 6 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 6, Nr, ZZ, ZLBytes
Select Case Nr
Case 1
Nr = 3
Case 3
Nr = 5
Case 5
Nr = 7
Case 7
Nr = 1
ZZ = ZZ + 1
End Select
Next i
End If
Stand = "12345678" 'Durchlauf 7 - Zeile 1 - 4
ZL = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, Bpp, Stand)
If ZL > 0 Then
ReDim PrevRowBytes(ZL - 1)
ZZ = 1
Nr = 2
MengeZeilen = Height8 * 4
If Rest8 > 1 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 3 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 5 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
If Rest8 > 7 Then
MengeZeilen = MengeZeilen + 1
End If
For i = 1 To MengeZeilen
ReDim Zeilenbuffer(ZL - 1)
CopyMemory Zeilenbuffer(0), Buffer(Bufferstand + 1), ZL
Filterbyte = Buffer(Bufferstand)
FilterInter Zeilenbuffer, Filterbyte, PrevRowBytes
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + ZL + 1
If Bpp < 8 Then
ZLBytes = BerechneZeilenlänge(x, 8, Stand)
ZLBytes = 0
End If
PutBuffer ZwischenBuffer, Zeilenbuffer, 7, Nr, ZZ, ZLBytes
Select Case Nr
Case 2
Nr = 4
Case 4
Nr = 6
Case 6
Nr = 8
Case 8
Nr = 2
ZZ = ZZ + 1
End Select
Next i
End If
DeFilterInterlaced = ZwischenBuffer
End Function
Private Function BerechneZeilenlänge(x As Long, Bpp As Long, Stand As String) As Long
Dim Hilfslong As Long
Dim Längenrest As Long
Dim Länge8 As Long
Dim Testlong As Long
Dim Anzahl8 As Long
Dim AnzahlBits As Long
Dim Bytesrest As Long
Dim NBytes As Long
Dim AnzRB As Long
Dim Rest As Long
Dim MengeBits As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim BiggerAs As Long
Dim Menge As Long
MengeBits = Len(Stand)
Längenrest = x Mod 8
BiggerAs = 0
Menge = 0
For i = 1 To MengeBits
If CLng(Mid(Stand, i, 1)) <= Längenrest Then
Menge = Menge + 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Bpp < 8 Then
If Längenrest > 0 Then
 Rest = Bpp * Menge
 Rest = 0
End If
Rest = Menge * (Bpp / 8)
End If
Anzahl8 = (x - Längenrest) / 8
AnzahlBits = Anzahl8 * Bpp * MengeBits
Bytesrest = AnzahlBits Mod 8
NBytes = (AnzahlBits - Bytesrest) / 8
Select Case Bpp
Case Is < 8
Rest = Rest + Bytesrest
Testlong = Rest Mod 8
AnzRB = (Rest - Testlong) / 8
If Testlong <> 0 Then AnzRB = AnzRB + 1
BerechneZeilenlänge = NBytes + AnzRB
Case Else
BerechneZeilenlänge = NBytes + Rest
End Select
End Function
Private Sub FilterInter(RowBytes() As Byte, Filterbyte As Byte, PrevRowBytes() As Byte)
Dim iVal As Long
 iVal = Interval()
Select Case Filterbyte
Case 0 'None
Case 1 'Sub
 ReverseSub RowBytes, iVal
Case 2 'Up
 ReverseUp RowBytes, PrevRowBytes
Case 3 'Average
 ReverseAverage RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal
Case 4 'Paeth
 ReversePaeth RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal
End Select
 PrevRowBytes = RowBytes
End Sub
Private Sub PutBuffer(Buffer() As Byte, Zeilenbuffer() As Byte, Zeilentyp As Byte, Zeilennummer As Long, Zeilenzähler As Long, Zeilenlänge As Long)
Dim Anfang As Long
Dim Achtschritt As Long
Dim Zeile As Long
Dim Zeilenanfang As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim Bufferstand As Long
Dim Zeilenstand As Long
Dim Größe As Long
Dim BytesPerPixel As Long
Dim Bpp As Long
Bpp = BitsPerPixel
If Bpp >= 8 Then
BytesPerPixel = Bpp / 8
BytesPerPixel = 1
BytesToBits Zeilenbuffer, Me.Bitdepht, Zeilenlänge
End If
Größe = UBound(Zeilenbuffer) + 1
Zeilenanfang = Me.Width * (Zeilennummer - 1) * BytesPerPixel
Achtschritt = Me.Width * 8 * BytesPerPixel
Anfang = (Achtschritt * (Zeilenzähler - 1)) + Zeilenanfang
'Zeilentyp: 1 = 1; 2 = 5; 3 = 1+5; 4 = 3+7; 5 = 1+3+5+7; 6 = 2+4+6+8; 7 = 1-8;
Bufferstand = Anfang
Select Case Zeilentyp
Case 1
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel
Case 2
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel
Case 3
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
If Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel), BytesPerPixel
End If
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)
Case 4
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
If Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel), BytesPerPixel
End If
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)
Case 5
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
If Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel), BytesPerPixel
End If
If Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel) < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)), BytesPerPixel
End If
If Zeilenstand + (3 * BytesPerPixel) < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (6 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + (3 * BytesPerPixel)), BytesPerPixel
End If
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)
Case 6
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + BytesPerPixel
Do While Zeilenstand < Größe
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand), BytesPerPixel
If Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + BytesPerPixel), BytesPerPixel
End If
If Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel) < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + (2 * BytesPerPixel)), BytesPerPixel
End If
If Zeilenstand + (3 * BytesPerPixel) < Größe Then
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand + (6 * BytesPerPixel)), Zeilenbuffer(Zeilenstand + (3 * BytesPerPixel)), BytesPerPixel
End If
Bufferstand = Bufferstand + (8 * BytesPerPixel)
Zeilenstand = Zeilenstand + (4 * BytesPerPixel)
Case 7
CopyMemory Buffer(Bufferstand), Zeilenbuffer(0), UBound(Zeilenbuffer) + 1
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub BytesToBits(Bytefeld() As Byte, Bitanzahl As Byte, Größe As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim Übergabe() As Byte
Dim Wandeln() As Byte
Dim EinGr As Long
Dim z As Long
EinGr = UBound(Bytefeld) + 1
Select Case Bitanzahl
Case 1
ReDim Übergabe((EinGr * 8) - 1)
For i = 0 To EinGr - 1
ByteToEinBit Bytefeld(i), Wandeln
CopyMemory Übergabe(z), Wandeln(0), 8
z = z + 8
Next i
Case 2
ReDim Übergabe((EinGr * 4) - 1)
For i = 0 To EinGr - 1
ByteToZweiBit Bytefeld(i), Wandeln
CopyMemory Übergabe(z), Wandeln(0), 4
z = z + 4
Next i
Case 4
ReDim Übergabe((EinGr * 2) - 1)
For i = 0 To EinGr - 1
ByteToVierBit Bytefeld(i), Wandeln
CopyMemory Übergabe(z), Wandeln(0), 2
z = z + 2
Next i
End Select
ReDim Preserve Übergabe(Größe - 1)
Bytefeld = Übergabe
End Sub
Private Sub ByteToZweiBit(Number As Byte, Wandeln() As Byte)
Dim a As Byte
ReDim Wandeln(3)
Wandeln(3) = Number And 3
a = Number And 12
Wandeln(2) = a / 4
a = Number And 48
Wandeln(1) = a / 16
a = Number And 192
Wandeln(0) = a / 64
End Sub
Private Sub ByteToEinBit(Number As Byte, Wandeln() As Byte)
Dim a As Byte
ReDim Wandeln(7)
Wandeln(7) = Number And 1
a = Number And 2
Wandeln(6) = a / 2
a = Number And 4
Wandeln(5) = a / 4
a = Number And 8
Wandeln(4) = a / 8
a = Number And 16
Wandeln(3) = a / 16
a = Number And 32
Wandeln(2) = a / 32
a = Number And 64
Wandeln(1) = a / 64
a = Number And 128
Wandeln(0) = a / 128
End Sub
Private Sub ByteToVierBit(Number As Byte, Wandeln() As Byte)
Dim a As Byte
ReDim Wandeln(1)
Wandeln(1) = Number And 15
a = Number And 240
Wandeln(0) = a / 16
End Sub
Public Property Get ErrorNumber() As Long
ErrorNumber = m_ErrorNumber
End Property
Private Sub MakeAlpha(PicObject As Object, Buffer() As Byte, Optional x As Long = 0, Optional y As Long = 0)
Dim Myx As Long, Myy As Long, DatOff As Long
Dim R As Long, G As Long, b As Long, a As Long
Dim sR As Long, sG As Long, sB As Long
Dim dR As Long, dG As Long, dB As Long
Dim DestData() As Byte, bytesperrow As Long
Dim DestOff As Long, DestHdr As BITMAPINFOHEADER
Dim MemDC As Long, hBmp As Long, hOldBmp As Long
Dim SrcData() As Byte
Dim hdc As Long
On Error Resume Next
hdc = PicObject.hdc
If Err.Number = 91 Then
 ReDim SrcData(UBound(Buffer))
  bytesperrow = LineBytes(Me.Width, 24)
If m_OBCol = False Then
  FillColorArray SrcData, Me.BkgdColor, bytesperrow
  FillColorArray SrcData, m_OBCol, bytesperrow
End If
 ReDim DestData(bytesperrow * Me.Height - 1)
If PicObject.Width < Me.Width * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX Then
 PicObject.Width = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * Me.Width + 100
End If
If PicObject.Height < Me.Height * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY Then
 PicObject.Height = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * Me.Height + 100
End If
 hdc = PicObject.hdc
 bytesperrow = LineBytes(Me.Width, 24)
 ReDim DestData(bytesperrow * Me.Height - 1)
 ReDim SrcData(UBound(Buffer))
 DestHdr.BitCount = 24
 DestHdr.Height = Me.Height
 DestHdr.Width = Me.Width
 DestHdr.Planes = 1
 DestHdr.Size = 40
 MemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
 hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, Me.Width, Me.Height)
 hOldBmp = SelectObject(MemDC, hBmp)
 BitBlt MemDC, 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height, hdc, x, y, vbSrcCopy
 GetDIBits MemDC, hBmp, 0, Me.Height, SrcData(0), DestHdr, 0
SelectObject hOldBmp, MemDC
 DeleteObject hBmp
 DeleteDC MemDC
End If
 For Myy = 0 To Me.Height - 1
 For Myx = 0 To Me.Width - 1
 DestOff = Myy * bytesperrow + Myx * 3
 sR = SrcData(DestOff + 2)
 sG = SrcData(DestOff + 1)
 sB = SrcData(DestOff)
 b = Buffer(DatOff)
 G = Buffer(DatOff + 1)
 R = Buffer(DatOff + 2)
 a = Buffer(DatOff + 3)
If a = 255 Then
 DestData(DestOff + 2) = R
 DestData(DestOff + 1) = G
 DestData(DestOff) = b
 ElseIf a = 0 Then
 DestData(DestOff + 2) = sR
 DestData(DestOff + 1) = sG
 DestData(DestOff) = sB
 dR = R * a + (255 - a) * sR + 255
 dG = G * a + (255 - a) * sG + 255
 dB = b * a + (255 - a) * sB + 255
 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff + 2), ByVal VarPtr(dR) + 1, 1
 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff + 1), ByVal VarPtr(dG) + 1, 1
 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff), ByVal VarPtr(dB) + 1, 1
End If
 DatOff = DatOff + 4
Next Myx
Next Myy
 Buffer = DestData
End Sub
Private Sub MirrorData(Dat() As Byte, RowBytes As Long)
Dim NewDat() As Byte, y As Long, Height As Long
Dim StartLine As Long, DestLine As Long
 ReDim NewDat(UBound(Dat))
 Height = (UBound(Dat) + 1) \ RowBytes
 For y = 0 To Height - 1
 StartLine = y * RowBytes
 DestLine = (Height - y - 1) * RowBytes
 CopyMemory NewDat(DestLine), Dat(StartLine), RowBytes
Next y
 Dat = NewDat
End Sub
Public Property Get HaveAlpha() As Boolean
HaveAlpha = m_hAlpha
End Property
Public Property Get HaveTransparence() As Boolean
HaveTransparence = m_hTrans
End Property
Public Property Let SetTrans(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
m_sTrans = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Let SetAlpha(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
m_sAlpha = vNewValue
End Property
Private Sub PalToRGBA(Width As Long, Height As Long, BitDepth As Integer, Dat() As Byte)
 Dim DestDat() As Byte, n As Long, PalEntry As Byte
 Dim DestOff As Long, TrnsBnd As Long
 Dim Testint As Integer
 Dim x As Long, y As Long, WidthBytes As Long
 Dim Pal() As RGBTriple
 Dim IdataLen As Long
 Dim i As Long
 Dim Anzahl As Long
 ReDim DestDat(4 * Width * Height - 1)
 TrnsBnd = UBound(trns)
 WidthBytes = LineBytes(Width, BitDepth)
If Me.ColorType = 0 Then
 Palettenbyte = InitColorTable_Grey(Bitdepht)
 Anzahl = UBound(Palettenbyte) / 3
 Testint = (trns(1))
 ReDim trns(Anzahl - 1)
 For i = 0 To Anzahl - 1
 trns(i) = 255
Next i
 trns(Testint) = 0
 TrnsBnd = UBound(trns)
End If
 ReDim Pal(((UBound(Palettenbyte) + 1) / 3) - 1)
 Colorused = UBound(Pal) + 1
CopyMemory Pal(0), Palettenbyte(0), UBound(Palettenbyte) + 1
Select Case BitDepth
 Case 8
 For y = 0 To Height - 1
 For x = 0 To Width - 1
 n = y * WidthBytes + x
 PalEntry = Dat(n)
 With Pal(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff) = .Blue
 DestDat(DestOff + 1) = .Green
 DestDat(DestOff + 2) = .Red
End With
If PalEntry <= TrnsBnd Then
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = trns(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = 255
End If
 DestOff = DestOff + 4
Next x
Next y
 Case 4
 For y = 0 To Height - 1
 For x = 0 To Width - 1
 n = y * WidthBytes + x \ 2
If (x Mod 2) = 1 Then
 PalEntry = Dat(n) And 15
 PalEntry = (Dat(n) \ 16) And 15
End If
 With Pal(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff) = .Blue
 DestDat(DestOff + 1) = .Green
 DestDat(DestOff + 2) = .Red
End With
If PalEntry <= TrnsBnd Then
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = trns(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = 255
End If
 DestOff = DestOff + 4
Next x
Next y
 Case 1
 For y = 0 To Height - 1
 For x = 0 To Width - 1
 n = y * WidthBytes + x \ 8
If (x Mod 8) <> 7 Then
 PalEntry = (Dat(n) \ 2 ^ (7 - x Mod 8)) And 1
 PalEntry = Dat(n) And 1
End If
 With Pal(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff) = .Blue
 DestDat(DestOff + 1) = .Green
 DestDat(DestOff + 2) = .Red
End With
If PalEntry <= TrnsBnd Then
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = trns(PalEntry)
 DestDat(DestOff + 3) = 255
End If
 DestOff = DestOff + 4
Next x
Next y
End Select
Dat = DestDat
End Sub
Private Sub MakeRGBTransparent(Buffer() As Byte)
Dim i As Long
Dim Wo As Long
Dim Testlong As Long
Dim Testint As Integer
Dim Farblong As Long
Dim Übergabe() As Byte
Dim TestArray(5) As Byte
Dim Farbarray(5) As Byte
Dim l As Byte
Dim Ft As Long
Ft = Me.Bitdepht
Dim Größe As Long
Select Case Me.Bitdepht
Case 8
trns(0) = trns(1)
trns(2) = trns(3)
trns(4) = trns(5)
CopyMemory TestArray(0), trns(0), 6
Case 16
CopyMemory TestArray(0), trns(0), 6
End Select
Größe = (UBound(Buffer) + 1) / 3
ReDim Übergabe((Größe * 4) - 1)
Wo = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(Buffer) - 1 Step 3
CopyMemory Farbarray(0), Buffer(i), 6
CopyMemory Übergabe(Wo), Buffer(i), 3
If Farbarray(0) <> TestArray(0) Or Farbarray(1) <> TestArray(1) Or Farbarray(2) <> TestArray(2) Or Farbarray(3) <> TestArray(3) Or Farbarray(4) <> TestArray(4) Or Farbarray(5) <> TestArray(5) Then
Übergabe(Wo + 3) = 255
End If
Wo = Wo + 4
Next i
Buffer = Übergabe
End Sub
Public Property Get HasBKGDChunk() As Boolean
HasBKGDChunk = m_hbkgd
End Property
Public Property Get BkgdColor() As Long
BkgdColor = m_bkgdColor
End Property
Private Function ReadBkgd() As Long
Dim GBc As Long
Dim u As Byte
Dim bkLen As Long
Dim ValR As Integer, ValG As Integer, ValB As Integer
Dim R As Long, G As Long, b As Long
Dim BD As Byte
Dim IntVal As Integer, UInt As Long
Dim Testpal() As Byte
Dim Testcol(2) As Byte
bkLen = UBound(bkgd) + 1
BD = Me.Bitdepht
On Error GoTo Error
Select Case Me.ColorType
Case 3
If bkLen = 1 Then
If bkgd(0) > (UBound(Palettenbyte) - 1) Then
 GoTo Error
 GBc = bkgd(0)
 CopyMemory Testcol(0), Palettenbyte(GBc * 3), 3
 m_bkgdColor = RGB(Testcol(0), Testcol(1), Testcol(2))
End If
Else: GoTo Error
End If
Case 0, 4
If bkLen = 2 Then
 CopyMemory IntVal, bkgd(0), Len(IntVal)
 Swap IntVal
 UInt = UnsignedInt(IntVal)
If UInt > (2 ^ BD - 1) Or (UInt < 0) Then
 GoTo Error
 GBc = UInt
 Testpal = InitColorTable_Grey(Me.Bitdepht)
 CopyMemory Testcol(0), Testpal(GBc * 3), 3
 m_bkgdColor = RGB(Testcol(0), Testcol(1), Testcol(2))
End If
Else: GoTo Error
End If
Case 2, 6
If bkLen = 6 Then
 CopyMemory ValR, bkgd(0), 2
 CopyMemory ValG, bkgd(2), 2
 CopyMemory ValB, bkgd(4), 2
 Swap ValR
 Swap ValG
 Swap ValB
 R = UnsignedInt(ValR)
 G = UnsignedInt(ValG)
 b = UnsignedInt(ValB)
 m_bkgdColor = RGB(R / (2 ^ BD - 1) * 255, G / (2 ^ BD - 1) * 255, b / (2 ^ BD - 1) * 255)
Else: GoTo Error
End If
End Select
Exit Function
m_bkgdColor = 0
End Function
Private Function UnsignedInt(SignedInt As Integer) As Long
UnsignedInt = CLng(SignedInt) And &HFFFF&
End Function
Private Sub Swap(Val As Integer)
Dim Bytef(1) As Byte
Dim u As Byte
CopyMemory Bytef(0), ByVal VarPtr(Val), 2
u = Bytef(0)
Bytef(0) = Bytef(1)
Bytef(1) = u
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Val), Bytef(0), 2
End Sub
Public Property Get Text() As String
Text = m_text
End Property
Public Property Get zText() As String
zText = m_ztext
End Property
Private Sub DecompressText(Inhalt() As Byte)
Dim ztxt() As Byte
Dim Ende As Long
Dim Anfang As Long
Dim Teststring As String
Dim StringText As String
Dim Größe As Long
Dim Beendet As Boolean
Größe = UBound(Inhalt)
Ende = FindNull(Inhalt, Anfang)
ReDim ztxt(Ende)
CopyMemory ztxt(0), Inhalt(0), Ende + 1
Teststring = StrConv(ztxt, vbUnicode)
m_ztext = m_ztext & Teststring & Chr(0)
Anfang = Ende + 5
Ende = FindNull(Inhalt, Anfang)
ReDim ztxt(Ende - Anfang)
CopyMemory ztxt(0), Inhalt(Anfang), Ende - Anfang + 1
Decompress ztxt, UBound(ztxt) * 12
Teststring = StrConv(ztxt, vbUnicode)
m_ztext = m_ztext & Teststring & Chr(0)
End Sub
Private Function FindNull(TestArray() As Byte, Start As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim Größe As Long
Größe = UBound(TestArray)
FindNull = Größe
For i = Start To Größe
If TestArray(i) = 0 Then
FindNull = i - 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Public Property Get ModiTime() As String
ModiTime = m_Time
End Property
Public Property Get gama() As Double
gama = m_gama / 100000
End Property
Public Property Let BackgroundPicture(ByVal vNewValue As Object)
Set m_BGPic = vNewValue
End Property
Private Sub FillColorArray(FArray() As Byte, Color As Long, bytesperrow As Long)
Dim DA(3) As Byte
Dim i As Long
Dim u As Byte
Dim Zähler As Long
CopyMemory DA(0), ByVal VarPtr(Color), 3
If DA(3) = 0 Then
u = DA(0)
DA(0) = DA(2)
DA(2) = u
u = DA(1)
If DA(0) = DA(1) And DA(1) = DA(2) Then
FillMemory FArray(0), UBound(FArray) + 1, DA(0)
Zähler = 1
For i = 0 To UBound(FArray) - 2 Step 3
CopyMemory FArray(i), DA(0), 3
If i = ((Zähler * bytesperrow) - 1) Or i = ((Zähler * bytesperrow) - 2) Then
i = Zähler * bytesperrow
i = bytesperrow * Zähler
Zähler = Zähler + 1
End If
Next i
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetOwnBkgndColor(OwnBkgndOn As Boolean, Optional ByVal BackColor As Long = 0)
m_OwnBkgnd = OwnBkgndOn
m_OBCol = BackColor
End Sub
Public Property Let PicBox(ByVal NewPicBox As Object)
Set m_PicBox = NewPicBox
End Property
Public Sub SetToBkgrnd(SetToBG As Boolean, Optional x As Long = 0, Optional y As Long = 0)
m_Bgx = x
m_Bgy = y
m_settoBG = SetToBG
End Sub

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